Wednesday, November 21, 2012

November was

November was my big month for working lots and lots, but it is all over now and I have the day off today because I worked on Sunday!  Ack, if my memory is right I have not gone out with friends since November 2.  Unacceptable!  Luckily my parents did come visit last Saturday and took me and NB barhopping for about six hours.  I tried this beer for the first time and it was a delight.

The other night I was on my way home from work, waiting for the bus at Lawrence and Broadway.  There is a nook in the wall there, inside of which is a back door to a restaurant.  Suddenly an old man came out of the door, kicking a styrofoam cup into the gutter.  I felt immediately annoyed because littering is not cool and also I am 99% sure that guys owns the restaurant, so take some fucking care of your neighborhood/corner of the street.  So I told the guy that I couldn't believe he would just throw trash on the ground and the conversation ended with him saying, "why don't you shut your mouth, you stupid bitch?"  I felt sort of bad for hassling an old man, plus there was already trash in the gutter and who hasn't felt like "what difference does one more piece of trash make?" Also, I knew that I only said something because I was tired and cranky.  But also, he called me a stupid bitch because I told him not to throw trash on the ground, so fuck him.  Plus it was funny.

When you were taught to type, were you taught that one or two spaces should follow sentences?  I was taught two spaces, but I think that is more old-fashioned perhaps, and now one space is more commonly used?  It seems like most things I've used can adjust to either one or two spaces following a sentence, but Blogger does not seem to do that, so when the line break comes at the end of a sentence, the next sentence has a tiny indent.  Oh well.

Well this entry is pretty lame, but I am tired and want to go cook and clean and be all domestic, so I'm going to go.  Happy Thanksgiving - I hope you get to eat loads of delicious foods and have some good things to be thankful for.  I'm thankful for ending sentences with prepositions.