Monday, September 24, 2012

There is a cycle

There is a cycle that I frequently go through at work.  In the first part of the cycle, I work much longer than required, coming in early and/or leaving late every day, working through lunch, whipping determinedly through my to-do list, over-scheduling my work days.  This all begins with great energy and determination, peaks in a high of feeling extremely capable, and then ends with me grimly plowing through the rest of my to-do list.  Then comes phase two, where I briefly feel so sick of work and I do a lot of procrastinating.  Obviously a more balanced approach would be preferable, but since the career I hope to attain in the relatively near future is much more task-based, requiring one to arrive and leave at a certain time, and since I am more often in the working hard rather than in the slacking phase, I’m not too worried about it.

Anyway, right now I’m in the sleepy, slacker phase of the cycle.  I’ve been thinking about creating a blog for awhile, so I figured there could be no better time than during this period of work procrastination.

When I was younger I was really into reading any youth/young adult spooky ghost or alien-themed books.  There was one book that is very faint in my memory, but one part that I can remember is that a boy was aboard an alien ship (abducted?) and while he was asleep they fixed his eyes so he didn’t need glasses and somehow treated all his muscles so his whole body felt perfectly aligned and refreshed.  I don’t know if this just made a big impression on my young mind or what, but 18 years later I still think about this frequently.  I feel an urge for someone to take out my teeth and rub my gums.  To take apart my skin, muscle, and bones, and massage each of them separately. I know in reality this would result in extreme pain and then death, but I can’t help thinking that if some benevolent, super-intelligent aliens could do this without harming me (while at the same time using some sort of telepathy that makes me feel totally assured and relaxed), it would be so great.

Feels like I should wrap this post up somehow, but I’ve got nothing.