Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I somehow turned off

I somehow turned off commenting ability and in my quick glancing around at the blogger settings, I don't see where I did that.  I'm sure it is fairly obvious, but I am just exhausted right now.  Sorry legions of followers I have picked up in the past two days - you'll have to wait to make your comments.

My partner and I (have not yet selected a pseudonym for him and my decision-making ability is currently impaired) are both participating in our friends' wedding in another state on Friday, with rehearsal on Thursday afternoon.  This week has thus far consisted of back-to-back 11 hour work days and running errands.  We're leaving after work today and I'm not really relishing the thought of driving into the wee hours of the morning, but I know the ceremony and reception are going to be a great celebration of our friends.

I watched part of this Nova episode while eating dinner on Monday and it seems to have caused my dreams to ramp into overdrive.  About 10 years ago I started having really frequent nightmares.  They are a lot better today, but for about six years they were occurring almost every night.  Around this same time, I started becoming a lot more likely to talk in my sleep, sometimes with my eyes open.  Once I was taking a nap with a boyfriend, after which we stayed in bed and started talking and eventually got into a full-on fight.  I have zero memory of this, but apparently I was insisting that all of the batteries in the world would go dead on the same day (what?) and was getting so mad that the boyfriend was disagreeing with me.  It actually got to the point of hysterical crying before the boyfriend realized I was still sleeping and forced me to sit up.  I woke up as soon as I sat up, and was so confused.  Awaking in the middle of a panic attack while crying, with someone looking at you like you are crazy, is not the best way to come out of a nap.

Well, we've reached the end of this entry and I just want you all to know that I'm currently wearing a Snuggie.  Be jealous.

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