Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Soft Snug Sleep

I could comment about how long it has been since I have posted, but that would probably be tiresome.  I’m also fairly certain that no one reads this because it is very unimportant and infrequently updated.  But, I realized it makes me feel better to write, so I am going to make it more of a habit.

I am so tired.  Something about the combination of food and sleep that I am putting into my body is not working and I just want to lay my head down on my desk, even though I got a solid eight hours last night.

Perhaps it is related to my two week long  crazy dream problem.  Every night for the last two weeks I’ve had either flat out nightmares (murder, ghosts, hallucinations), or dreams where annoying things happen (NB hides my toothbrush, someone is mean to me at a party), or really long and complicated dreams there are not nightmarish or annoying but just really incredibly lengthy and detailed and leave me feeling tired instead of rested.

In the past, these kind of dreams have been linked to a general feeling of sadness, and this time seems to be no exception.  I don’t want to go to work or class.  I don’t want to volunteer or see my friends.  I just want to hang out in my bed and watch movies or listen to podcasts and occasionally hang out with NB and/or the cat.  On Friday night I went to sleep at 8pm, blew off class on Saturday morning and friends on Saturday night, and stayed in the same pajamas until Monday morning.

Despite this general lameness, I have managed to apply for a couple of jobs in the last two weeks.  I usually like my job and I really like the people I work with.  But, I have been getting pretty bored/annoyed at work lately plus I am fairly underpaid and in August my office is relocating to a neighborhood I can’t easily access as a no-car-having person.  

One job that I applied for is at a place that does really good work and is only about seven blocks away from my apartment.  I applied Saturday and I’m guessing they had off Monday for Presidents’ Day.  Despite that, I still keep checking my email and phone for a message from them.  It sounds like a pretty good gig and I’d be really excited to interview.

Since we’re talking about work, I will tell you a work story from last week.  Last Thursday afternoon our CEO asked our IT Manager to fix something for her and on Friday morning he foisted it on me.  It is a relatively small problem that will not come into play again for a whole month.  It could have been left for a couple of days or even a couple of weeks with no ill consequences, but everyone was scrambling and insisting it be done NOW because it was for our CEO.  So I figured out three possible solutions, tested all three, and provided samples of all three, so she could decide which option she prefered.  This took about an hour and a half.  Shortly after that I saw her in the hall.  I said hello and in response she sighed heavily.  That’s it, no actual words.  Why, you’re quite welcome boss-lady!  I was very happy to urgently do a non-urgent task that is not even my job so that you could ignore my greeting and instead sigh at me.  

Oh my mouth.  I am having mouth pain thanks to my decision to ingest these foods in this order: two mouth-cutting tootsie pops, homemade tomato-carrot soup, V8.  Tomato-y pain all up in my tongue and the roof of my mouth.

Alright, it’s time to go home.  Time to hang up the phone on my company’s website provider’s hold music (90 minutes on hold).  Time to go volunteer and then go home and get into bed early.  Yes, yes, yes.

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