Thursday, October 18, 2012

Who wants to

Who wants to come give me a massage?  I will take it!  As long as you are non-creepy and know what you’re doing and won’t charge me.  Doesn’t that sound like a good deal for you?  I need a free massage because I hurt my back doing my super-mini morning workout, which is only light calisthenics and a lot of stretching and doesn’t seem very dangerous or likely to cause strain, but somehow it did.

Today I am all about health.  I ate a pretty healthy breakfast and lunch, got a flu shot and TDaP vaccine, and made an appointment to go to the doctor for the all-over mystery pain that I’ve had for several years (until recently I thought everyone felt like this but just didn’t complain about it because it’s just a part of life, but I’m finding out that is actually not the case).

Tonight I was going to be all about debauchery - my dear friend, DZ, and I had planned a vodka infusion night, but she has bronchitis, which is such a big bummer, especially because she is uninsured.  I know there are lots of opinions and findings and arguments about how we should get everyone insured.  I am not going to go into that here because this isn't that kind of blog, but damn, can we just make this happen?

I am still reading Bonk and yesterday I read a section talking about the cremaster muscle, which is a word I knew at one point, but had completely forgotten.  All day yesterday I kept saying cremaster in my mind.  And then I watched one of those forensics shows last night and the murderer’s last name rhymed with cremaster.  Coincidence?  I think not.

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